Association of West Africa Universities

Event Detail

  • Start Date 02/20/2024
  • Start Time 02:45 PM
  • End Date 02/22/2024
  • End Time 02:45 PM
  • Location University of Cape Coast Ghana

Call for Abstracts

The Organising Committee of the Association of West African Universities Conference and annual meeting is calling for abstract submissions. To present your research/paper at the conference, your abstract must first pass a peer review. Upon acceptance of your abstract and payment of registration fees, your attendance at the conference will be confirmed.

Abstract of papers describing original work are invited in any of the Sub-themes. There is also the option for poster presentations.

Sub Themes

  1. Regional integration and educational curriculum
  2. Technology and educational transformation
  3. Regional integration, peace and security
  4. Regional integration and good governance in tertiary institutions
  5. Partnerships, collaboration and inter university linkages
  6. Globalization and quality tertiary education
  7. Regional integration and quality tertiary education
  8. Staff-Students performance for quality development and regional integration

Note to Prospective Contributors

Call for Submission of Abstracts: Wednesday, 18th October 2023 – Friday, 24th November 2023

Final Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 12th January 2024

Registration period: Monday 22nd January – Friday 9th February, 2024

The submitting author must collect and enter the following information for the abstract submission:

  • Personal Data – Correct spelling of first and last name, title, institution/organisation and country
  • Paper Title – Full title for the presentation
  • Sub-theme – The name of the Sub-theme to which you are submitting

 Please note that there will be a one-time presentation rule.  Whilst you can be a named author or contributor on several submissions, you can only present once.  This is to give the most people possible the opportunity to present.

Requirements for Abstract Submission for Papers

Contributors are kindly reminded that assessors of the abstracts will check if each abstract satisfies all of the following:

  1. Title of the paper suggests what the paper is about
  2. Name(s) and email address(es) of the author(s) are indicated
  3. Key words are between 3 and 5 words and are written beneath the abstract title
  4. Abstract is relevant to one of the Sub-themes
  5. Word count of the abstract does not exceed 300 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, single-line spaced, and written in Times New Roman size 12 (12 points)
  6. Abstract is written in clear and accurate language
  7. References are not required but must be included in the word count (if used)

Further Guidelines

Please note that, for abstracts of empirical/research papers, the following are to be indicated clearly and concisely:

  1. Purpose of the paper
  2. Research objectives and/or research questions/hypothesis
  3. Summary of the methodology
  4. Key findings
  5. Recommendations

Please note that, for abstracts of conceptual/theoretical papers, the following are to be indicated clearly and concisely:

  1. Purpose of the paper
  2. Underpinning theory/concepts
  3. Conclusions
  4. Implications/recommendations for policy/practitioners

Poster Presentations

There is also the opportunity for poster presentations. Please indicate whether your abstract is for a paper presentation or a poster presentation. If the abstract is for a poster presentation, the required word count is up to 150 words.